Recognition at district level of the problems faced by children with disabilities and their families as evidenced by a budget allocation for relevant services in Bugesera and district events taking place at AVEH Umurerwa.
Community acknowledgement of AVEH Umurerwa’s work, demonstrated by the election of the Managing Director to the Bugesera committee of the National Federation of Handicapped Persons and invitations to nation-wide policy discussions on disability in Rwanda.
Four annual ‘Special Olympics’ events which involved both families with disabled children and those without in raising awareness of their rights and providing play activities for disabled children (2006-9).
Working with World Vision as a partner in their ‘Area Development Programme’, the post-emergency Bugesera strategy.
Improved health and well-being of children (including increased physical movement) through better nutrition, massage therapy and medical care.
Facilitating the schooling of nine children with disabilities, working with local centers providing special education.
Training primary school teachers on the rights of disabled children to be educated with other children in August 2009 (in partnership with ADRA) and working with the director of our local primary school.
Working with the Unity Club of Rwanda, a reconciliation and children’s NGO founded by Rwanda’s First Lady, Janet Kagame.
Other organizations and individuals we work with include World Vision, Africa International Club, the American Embassy, Handicappe International and ADRA.